Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Super Hyper Times

Some days I get super hyper. My friends have come to recognise the slightly insane glint in my eye after I have consumed too much sugar (or sometimes from too little sugar…) and either make themselves scarce to avoid the madness, or take a seat and observe with interest as I literally bounce off the walls. The last time it happened I had so much energy that I ran around in circles for a good hour wildly windmilling my arms, just because I could. My friend (not the skin-you-and-turn-you-into-a-blanket friend, I’m staying away from her) said that just watching me was exhausting, and that I resembled a drunk toddler with anger problems and an insatiable crack addiction. I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t flattered.

Sometimes this hyperness is a problem though, like in the middle of a two-hour class  or on a bus, where I cannot easily get into a large outdoor space to flail around for a while. Also one day my friend Sam and I foolishly drank one of those giant energy drinks each, which resulted in what I like to refer to as ‘super extreme hyper overdose frenzy’. It felt like what I imagine being on acid would feel like and I’m pretty sure Sam turned into a talking dolphin at one point.

What did I learn from this experience? One, that despite being 20 years of age, eating too much sugar turns me into a deranged preschooler, and two, Sam and I should never ever drink Red Bull ever again. It does not give you wings, just so much energy that you will not sleep for days and probably have withdrawal symptoms. However it is extremely likely that curiosity (and general stupidity) will get the better of us once again and we will have a Red Bull drink-off, hopefully in close proximity to a large outdoor space. See you in energy drink rehab.


  1. Everything in life can be condensed into a pie graph. And then you can make it into pretty colours. It's a win-win situation!

  2. I'm just wondering where your friend found out what a drunk toddler with anger problems and a crack addiction acts like.

  3. I hate to imagine. But I think she has one in her basement.

  4. YES YES YES...
